Yoga Poses to Improve Balance
Balance is a crucial component to keep us on our feet. Balance is more than just the ability to stand on one foot. It also prevents falls and injuries and improves focus. Sadly, balance naturally declines as we age (starting at about 30) due to a loss of muscle mass. Happily, there are several yoga balance poses that can help stave off the loss of muscle mass and a decline in balance. Before beginning, be sure to have a wall or chair nearby.
Today we will talk about some important yoga poses to improve balance. If you have any suggestions, let me know on social media.
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1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
Not only does this pose help improve your balance, but it gives you a steady foundation from which to move. Stand with your feet comfortably apart and a straight back; belly button pulled in; arms long with hands facing out. Keep your gaze straight ahead and your breath steady. Feel the strength!
Why: Create body awareness and improve posture.
Variation: Place a hand on a wall or chair for support or stand with your back against a wall.
Pro Tip: Tighten your core, but don’t lock out those knees.
2. Tree Pose
Take Mountain to the next level but be sure to stay focused. Begin in strong mountain pose as outlined above. Then, shift your weight onto your left foot and root it firmly into the ground. Bend at the right knee and bring the sole of the right foot to the ankle or on a block. Find your balance. Hands can stay at your hips or try bringing them into prayer position. Be sure to try it on the other side.
Why: Increase engagement and focus.
Variation: Experiment with bringing foot higher onto the calf or inner thigh.
Pro Tip: Move slowly and deliberately. Focus on a Drishti or a focal point for your gaze. Choose something that is not moving.
3. Extended Tree
This is a great progression from tree pose. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart in mountain pose. Shift your weight onto your left foot and lift your right leg up to your ankle or a block as shown above. Secure the standing leg by pushing your heel down into the mat and griping the toes. Repeat on the right foot after a few breaths. Slowly raise your arms up and move your gaze up. Just for fun, try closing your eyes to see how that changes the pose.
Why: Balance and build strength in the standing leg.
Variation: Place foot on a block to start. Hand on wall or chair for added assistance.
Pro Tip: Turn your pinky fingers toward each other to reduce strain on neck and shoulders.
4. Rag Doll
This may seem like an odd proposition, but Rag Doll helps to calibrate your center. This is a great pose to counter all the above standing balance poses.Forward fold at the hips and let the arms dangle. Rest your tummy on your thighs and keep knees bent – maybe a little, maybe a lot. Go with what feels good. Keep weight evenly distributed across both feet.
Why: Stretches back and hamstrings.
Variation: Use blocks to bring the floor closer.
Pro Tip: Relax, let it all go.
What Are Your Favorite Yoga Poses To Improve Balance?
Good balance is important for all the things we do every day, like walking and going up and down the stairs. These balance poses can be done every day or as many days as you like.
I hope you enjoyed this list of yoga poses to improve balance. Do you have a favorite balance pose? Feel free to share on social media.